Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre00541    M-poneratoxin-Dq3c   [Dinoponera quadriceps]

Basic info
Organism Dinoponera quadriceps
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Formicidae > Dinoponera > Dinoponera quadriceps
Protein Description M-poneratoxin-Dq3c
Mass Weight 7079.28 Da
Isoelectric Point 4.89
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function May have antimicrobial properties, like most ant linear peptides (Probable). In addition, when tested in vitro on the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (responsible of the Chagas disease), is able to potently reduce the number of the three forms (epimastigote, trypomastigote and amastigote) by inducing cell death through necrosis.
PF17499 Pilosulin
Feature key Position Length
Signal Peptide 1..23 23
Propeptide 24..43 20
Peptide 44..66 23
Peptide 44..56 13
Peptide 44..54 11
NCBI Nucleotide GANS01000001.1
UniProt P0DSK0

3D Structure
1. Torres A.F., Huang C., Chong C.M., Leung S.W., Prieto-da-Silva A.R., Havt A., Quinet Y.P., Martins A.M., Lee S.M., Radis-Baptista G.;
"Transcriptome analysis in venom gland of the predatory giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps: insights into the polypeptide toxin arsenal of hymenopterans.";
PLoS ONE 9:E87556-E87556(2014).
2. Lima D.B., Mello C.P., Bandeira I.C.J., Pessoa Bezerra de Menezes R.R.P., Sampaio T.L., Falcao C.B., Morlighem J.R.L., Radis-Baptista G., Martins A.M.C.;
"The dinoponeratoxin peptides from the giant ant Dinoponera quadriceps display in vitro antitrypanosomal activity.";
Biol. Chem. 399:187-196(2018).
3. Robinson S.D., Mueller A., Clayton D., Starobova H., Hamilton B.R., Payne R.J., Vetter I., King G.F., Undheim E.A.B.;
"A comprehensive portrait of the venom of the giant red bull ant, Myrmecia gulosa, reveals a hyperdiverse hymenopteran toxin gene family.";
Sci. Adv. 4:EAAU4640-EAAU4640(2018).