Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre02257    Mastoparan-L   [Vespula lewisii]

Basic info
Organism Vespula lewisii
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Vespidae > Vespula > Vespula lewisii
Protein Description Mastoparan-L
Mass Weight 1479.89 Da
Isoelectric Point 10.3
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function Mast cell degranulating peptide. Activates G proteins that couple to phospholipase C. May be able to switch from an in-plane to a transmembrane orientation in lipid bilayers.
PF08249 Mastoparan
Feature key Position Length
Peptide 1..14 14
UniProt P01514

3D Structure
1. Hirai Y., Yasuhara T., Yoshida H., Nakajima T., Fujino M., Kitada C.;
"A new mast cell degranulating peptide 'mastoparan' in the venom of Vespula lewisii.";
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 27:1942-1944(1979).
2. Hori Y., Demura M., Iwadate M., Ulrich A.S., Niidome T., Aoyagi H., Asakura T.;
"Interaction of mastoparan with membranes studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy in detergent micelles and by solid-state 2H-NMR and 15N-NMR spectroscopy in oriented lipid bilayers.";
Eur. J. Biochem. 268:302-309(2001).