Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre05167    Apamin preproprotein   [Apis mellifera]

Basic info
Organism Apis mellifera
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Apidae > Apis > Apis mellifera
Protein Description Apamin preproprotein
Mass Weight 5223.34 Da
Isoelectric Point 8.77
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function Neurotoxin that blocks voltage-independent calcium-activated potassium channels (KCa2.1/KCNN1/SK1, KCa2.2/KCNN2/SK2, KCa2.3/KCNN3/SK3).
PF17454 Bee_toxin
Feature key Position Length
Signal Peptide 1..27 27
Peptide 28..45 18
NCBI Nucleotide NM_001011612.1
NCBI Protein NP_001011612.1
UniProt P01500

3D Structure
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