Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre05206    Phospholipase A2   [Apis mellifera]

Basic info
Organism Apis mellifera
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Apidae > Apis > Apis mellifera
Protein Description Phospholipase A2
Mass Weight 18486.69 Da
Isoelectric Point 7.18
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function PLA2 catalyzes the calcium-dependent hydrolysis of the 2-acyl groups in 3-sn-phosphoglycerides.Three segments were taken from the known X-ray structure of bovine pancre- atic phospholipase A2 [6] which form the active site and the region which binds the Ca2' ion.
PF05826 Phospholip_A2_2
Feature key Position Length
Signal Peptide 1..18 18
Propeptide 19..33 15
Chain 34..167 134
NCBI Nucleotide X16709.1
NCBI Protein CAA34681.1
UniProt P00630

3D Structure
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