Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre05207    Secapin preproprotein   [Apis mellifera]

Basic info
Organism Apis mellifera
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Apidae > Apis > Apis mellifera
Protein Description Secapin preproprotein
Mass Weight 8679.21 Da
Isoelectric Point 9.51
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function Serine protease inhibitor which exhibits antifibrinolytic, antielastolytic and antimicrobial activities (By similarity). Displays antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi (By similarity). Likely functions in the innate immune response to microbial infection and possibly in the venom, as an antifibrinolytic agent (By similarity). Not toxic to mice but does induce slight sedation at higher doses (from 40 mg/kg). At a dose of 80 mg/kg, sedation occurs 15 minutes after injection and is accompanied by piloerection and hypothermia.
PF17521 Secapin
Feature key Position Length
Signal Peptide 1..32 32
Propeptide 33..52 20
Peptide 53..77 25
NCBI Nucleotide NM_001011618.1
NCBI Protein NP_001011618.1
UniProt P02852

3D Structure
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