Venom Protein Card

Accession: Pre05372    Secapin   [Apis cerana]

Basic info
Organism Apis cerana
Taxonomy Insecta > Hymenoptera > Apidae > Apis > Apis cerana
Protein Description Secapin
Mass Weight 13569.49 Da
Isoelectric Point 8.81
Expression Highly expressed in venom gland
Function Serine protease inhibitor which exhibits antifibrinolytic, antielastolytic and antimicrobial activities. Displays antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. Likely functions in the innate immune response to microbial infection and possibly in the venom, as an antifibrinolytic agent. The recombinant form inhibits trypsin (IC(50)=80.02 nM, Ki=127.25 nM), chymotrypsin (IC(50)=393.78 nM, Ki=432.59 nM), the microbial serine proteases subtilisin A (IC(50)=379.20 nM, Ki=492.77 nM) and proteinase K (IC(50)=189.43 nM, Ki=271.76 nM), plasmin (IC(50)=457.98 nM, Ki=502.91 nM), human elastase (IC(50)=347.81 nM, Ki=469.90 nM) and porcine elastase (IC(50)=94.70 nM, Ki=125.62 nM). Does not inhibit thrombin. Binds to human plasmin and inhibits the plasmin- mediated degradation of fibrin to fibrin degradation products. Also binds to bacterial and fungal surfaces and exhibits antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria B.thuringiensis (MIC=4.21 uM) and P.larvae (MIC=11.13 uM), the Gram- negative bacterium E.coli (MIC=6.50 uM), and the fungus B.bassiana (IC(50)=2.57 uM). The synthetic peptide also exhibits antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacterium P.larvae (MIC=41.12 uM), the Gram-negative bacterium P.aeruginosa (MIC=65.75 uM), and the fungus B.bassiana (IC(50)=44.27 uM) (Ref.2). In vitro it does not induce an inflammatory response and has no cytotoxic activity against mouse embryo cells (Ref.2).
PF17521 Secapin
Feature key Position Length
Signal Peptide 1..24 24
Propeptide 25..90 66
Peptide 91..115 25
NCBI Nucleotide KR732613.1
NCBI Protein AKZ17655.1
UniProt A0A0K1YW63

3D Structure
1. Lee K.S., Kim B.Y., Yoon H.J., Choi Y.S., Jin B.R.;
"Secapin, a bee venom peptide, exhibits anti-fibrinolytic, anti- elastolytic, and anti-microbial activities.";
Dev. Comp. Immunol. 63:27-35(2016).
2. Kim B.Y., Lee K.S., Ok M., Jin B.R.;
"Synthetic secapin bee venom peptide exerts an anti-microbial effect but not a cytotoxic or inflammatory response.";
J. Asia-Pac. Entomol. 20:151-155(2017).